Tuesday, July 30, 2013

things that have happened

So, things that have happened.

Over the past few days, somebody subscribed to my youtube channel and left me a tonne of comments. Most of them were fine. Until we get to a video I posted (mind you, I haven't vlogged in months) talking about gay marriage. They (I have no idea if it's a boy or a girl, obviously not somebody outside of the gender binary given the comments) said that gay marriage was unnatural, that marriage has the sole purpose of producing children. Anyway, I quickly posted a rant vlog, my first in months, going off the handle. Being gay is not unnatural. There is homosexual tendencies in a ridiculous amount of species on this planet. And marriage is nobody's business if you're not the person entering in to that marriage. It should make no difference to anybody who anybody falls in love with. Seriously. Homophobia is not cool, you're an asshole for that. And come on, you're not afraid, you're an asshole. I was really riled up about it.

Anyway, after I posted my video, I posted a facebook status. It said "if I have to hear one more idiot say something stupid like 'not being straight is unnatural' I'm going to start hitting people over the head with heavy objects." You know, because there comes a point where words don't get you anywhere anymore. You explain things, but some people are just too thick and prejudiced and stupid and bigoted to change their narrow views.

Now I rarely post things to facebook. I never complain about anything on there. Most of my posts are photos from instagram or reading updates from goodreads. I used to post petitions I've signed, but it's been a while since I've signed one. I basically just use facebook for getting annoyed at everybody's over share and keeping in touch with a few friends I don't talk to anywhere else. Every few weeks or so I'll post a completely meaningless status, like when I got J.K. Rowling's secret book and I just wanted to stop being a person so I could read it. Simple, trivial stuff like that.

Anyway, Alex from highschool commented on my status, telling me to grow the fuck up. So Jes commented back, and then texted me asking who it was. I was quite shocked. Seriously? Alex had already commented again, saying if all I wanted was to whinge about things, I'm being immature and I should grow up. So I went off at him on my status, and then I just unfriended him, just like that. Friendship over. I unfriended Alicia as well. Seriously? This isn't me whinging about a bad day or not getting some trivial thing that I wanted. This is a serious, real world problem. People die for their sexuality, for falling in love. In Russia, even so much as saying the word gay is punishable by prison time. Hate crimes happen everywhere. There are still ridiculously harmful "anti-gay treatments", even here in Australia. Sure, in comparison, having one person on the internet tell me my sexuality is unnatural is a pretty trivial thing, but you have to start somewhere.

On a positive, the person I aimed my rant video at messaged me apologising, saying that his attitudes were that of their parents, and they didn't mean to be an asshole, and that my rant has helped them realise that their attitudes need to change, that I got through to them, so that's good. I was happy for that.

Anyway, I texted Milly, just saying that Alex was a douche, but then she said that Oli had vomited and she'd text me later, and we didn't talk about it again until yesterday. She just commented on the status "what the fuck?" and so I was a little unsure of her position. The more I thought about it yesterday the more I freaked out. Milly and Alex were really close in highschool, but not so much now. We've all kind of gone our own ways, and only Milly and I are close. I don't know how close anybody else is, but Alex has kind of shut himself off. We've all separated in the last seven years. And so I was worried that maybe I had offended her, maybe she thought I had overreacted. Like, I'm pretty sure Milly is bi, but I've never really known her to be interested in a girl other than me. She's definitely more straight than she is gay. And I know that I take this sort of stuff hard, with every slight being a personal attack in the hopes that maybe I can educate at least one person. Anyway, she finally texted me about it, saying that she was seriously mad at Alex about it. She showed Joe what he'd said, and Joe asked her why I was friends with somebody like that, and apparently she said that I wouldn't be, and now I'm not, and also, that she didn't know if she still wanted to be. I felt so much better after that. A lot of the people I am friends with stay friends with people who have slighted me (case in point, Olivia), and I always try not to let it bother me, because I know that they've done something to me, and not to everybody else, and that people are allowed to be friends with whoever they want, but sometimes it still hurts. I get insecure over it. And I was spiralling a bit yesterday, thinking about the ramifications of what had happened and what it would mean, but Milly's text and her backing me really made me feel so much better. She seriously is an amazing friend. And Alex is just a douche.

And after that, I posted to facebook that if anybody else wanted to call me immature for being offended by homophobia they could just go ahead and unfriend me because I didn't want to hear about it, and I certainly don't want to be friends with anybody like that. Nobody unfriended me, but I unfriended Glen (from uni and work) because he just commented "that's so gay." Now I don't think he meant it to be offensive, I don't think he's homophobic whatsoever. He does actually seem to be a pretty cool guy (he gave me a lift home from a res school one time). He just always makes light of things. Anyway, this is the second time he's said something like that, and while I wasn't inherently offended by his comment, I just get sick of things like that sometimes. And so I unfriended him. Too bad. Whatever. I don't even care.

So yea. All that happened. And now I'm ok again and glad that I at least helped one single person realise the error of their views and motivate change. That is the good part. The bad part is all of the people who won't, the people who think you're being immature, and the state of the world. Although, the new catholic pope apparently said that it is not for him to judge who loves who, which is a huge turn around on that front. Maybe change will be made. KRudd is back being the prime minister, and apparently he'd said if he got back in to that job marriage equality would be a thing, but I don't believe it. I'm disillusioned with him anyway for his terrible, terrible asylum seeker policies. I saw something on tv the other day that marriage equality could soon be a thing in NSW, which is awesome. And it's a thing in England now too apparently. But still, Russia. Fucking Russia. Crossing that off the list of places I want to travel to.

I even had a rant to Mel about it at work yesterday and honestly, the fact that she's not at least somewhat homophobic surprised me. I think they're used to it at work, me constantly ranting about how shitty the world is and how much people suck. I rant about everything; homophobia, sexism, racism, fatphobia, the government, how much everything sucks. They're used to it, and I let them know when something is offensive.

I got a few likes on my fuck off facebook status, by a few people who surprised me (like Andy, who I met at TAFE years ago). I expect a lot of people just ignored it. But seriously, I am just completely unopposed to just cutting people out of my life via facebook when they do offensive or stupid things. I don't even care. It's cool if you want to be an asshole and don't want to change it. I just never want to interact with you ever again. 


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